Welcome To Official Website Of State Transport Department Uttarakhand





The Transport Department was constituted in 1945 under the provisions of Section 133 A of the Motor Vehicles' Act 1939. Headed by the Transport Commissioner U.P, when Uttarakhand was a part of U.P. before 9th day of November 2000 i.e. the date of reorganization of U.P.  As Uttarakhand State came into existence along with the Transport Department of Uttarakhand, headed by the Transport Commissioner, Uttarakhand.

The other main constituent of the Transport system is State Road Transport Corporation (SRTC), which has also been reorganized in Uttarakhand as "Uttarakhand Transport Corporation". The Corporation of Uttarakhand began to work on 31 October 2003 and is providing services on nationalized routes as well as on interstate routes.





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